Founded in 1985 by two
brothers; Gary and Matt Percy
“Our namesake comes from our admired and respected grandfather, A.D. Jordan“
Matt Percy

How We Started A.D. Transport Express
We started A.D.
Our humble beginnings started in a 2-car garage with 2 trucks. We had taken half of the garage and turned it into office space. The other half was tool storage to repair the trucks in the driveway.

We Grew Out of the House Garage
With a lot of hard work and a little luck, we quickly outgrew our makeshift office in the home garage. We moved to a small yard and small corner office on Van Born Road that we shared with a local plumbing company.

Big Move to Canton
Not too longer after our move to Van Born Road, we finally found property and an office we could afford in Canton. We had our own office building with a decent size yard or so we thought, ten parking spots seemed like a lot in those days.

Growing the Company
Now that we had our own property, we focused our energy on growing the company and the fleet. We accredit our rapid growth to the many dedicated employees we have had the honor to work with over the years.

The First Garage
At this point we truly were counting our blessings, the company and the fleet had grown to a size that enabled us to build our very first real maintenance facility. We were all happy not to have to do maintenance on the fleet outside.

Expanding the Yard
Over the years, we continued to purchase as much surrounding property as we could. The bigger yard allowed us to build a truck wash, tear down the first garage and build and even bigger one with offices in the front.

New 20 bay Garage
The need for an even bigger garage was very apparent after just a few years. We took advantage of the expanded yard and built a 20-bay state of the art facility on the west end of the property. We continue to use it to this day, but now with many added improvements such as; a paint booth, body shop and detailing area.

Remodel of Offices
Now that we had the new garage, we were intent on building a new office building on the site. The great recession of 2008-2009 altered our plans, however we didn't let that get us down. With much ingenuity and creative repurposing, we converted the old maintenance building into a modern office space.

Improvements Over the Years
Over the next ten years, we were able to make several improvements, such as; installing a four lane fuel island with 30,000 gallons diesel capacity, a six bay cross dock and the long overdue paving of the entire yard.

New Truck Wash
Construction is underway on the rebuild of the truck wash. The new wash will be easy to operate, uses smart technology and will be fully customizable to our fleet.